Political Parties
Beliefs and aims:
Labor beliefs: -support people with disabilities -cheaper childcare -improve health care system -cheaper medicine and tax cuts -they believe that the first policy should be prioratised Labor aims: -better wages and conditions for workers -building more affordable houses -tackling climate change -managing the economy -creating jobs in challenging times Liberal beliefs: -freedom for everyone -support small businesses -nuclear power will help australian energy supply -improve health care by recruting more doctors -preserving asutralias natural beauty and enviroment for future generations Liberal aims: -helps represent the 'forgotten people' -reduce migrants and refugees -reduce numbers of forein students -encourage old people keep working -more money to the army The Greens beliefs: -social justice -everyone can have an income with steady flow -sustainable agriculture -climate change and energy -disability rights and services The Greens aims: -stopping animal cruelty -expression arts and agricultral -banking and finance -community participation and civil society -early childhood education and care